Thursday 26 April 2012

my amazing sentence

My amazing sentence

Suddenly the vast German shepherd, ty ferociously barked as john, the mailman slowly struggled by with a sack of parcels, post cards and letters then ty bit john "OWCH." He shrieked in pain his face went bright red then green then purple!! "HELP." He was screaming while blood was flooding out of his excruciating wound.
By Adam 6n  

Harry's sentence

Victoria's sentence

Ellie's instructions

Adam's sentence

Troy's sentence

Jack's sentence

Harry's sentence

Global Warming for Jelly Babies and Smarties

Jelly Babies and Smarties --> you are going to imagine you are interviewing a local resident. How do they feel about the environmental impacts associated with their country that is linked to global warming?

Here are some prompts to get you started...

Creative Thinking Prompts
1)     What is your name?
2)   What is your occupation?
3)   Does your job contribute towards Global Warming?  How?
4)   How has Global Warming affected your local environment?
5)   What steps could you take to reduce the impacts of Global Warming on your local environment?
6)   What steps could the global population take to reduce negative impacts of Global Warming?
7)   If no action is taken, how will this affect future generations (sustainability)?

Researching global warming...

Use the website below to research global warming for your chosen country...

  • Select the Impact section.
  • 8 geographical locations will appear.  
  • On literacy table, chn to choose a country to research. We will focus on 6:  UK/USA, Southern Europe, Australia, Antarctica, Mozambique and Indonesia. 
For further information about global warming, you could have a look at this website...

Jelly Babies and Smarties --> you are going to imagine you are interviewing a local resident. How do they feel about the environmental impacts associated with their country that is linked to global warming?

Maltesers and Munchies --> you are going to create a Prezi linked to the environmental impacts associated with their country that is linked to global warming.

M&Ms --> you are going to create a poster linked to the environmental impacts associated with their country that is linked to global warming.

Remember you are going to have to share your findings with other groups!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Rachel's sentence

Ellie's sentence

Zoe's sentence

Kieran's sentence

Amy's persevere sentence

Jack's persevere sentence

Uplevelling instructions

Uplevelling instructions

Alex's sentence

Victoria's sentence

Jack's sentence

Troy's sentence

Beckie's sentence

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Yesterday was Maddie's birthday...

... unfortunately for her, Amy weirded her day out. I think she'll remember this day for the rest of her life.

... however Charles Dickens could not attend.

... inaddition to this she still went to school.

... therefore she went loopy-doo!

... however we didn't sing happy birthday to her.

... consequently zombie's invaded and Elliott destroyed her.

... in addition to this she got 11 birthday beats.

... however she wouldn't let anyone say happy birthday to her until 21 minutes past 10.

... as a result of this she went into cuckoo mode.

... Eventhough her dream did not come true (to have a pet polar bear), she still enjoyed it. I

... however everyone got annoyed because she was extra bubbly and bouncy.

Mr Bessant's fridge was on fire...

... even though fridges are meant to be cold.

... however worse fortune will come. Even though it wasn't Friday the 13th.

... meanwhile his wallet was being emptied by a £250 oven and an expensive MOT.

... although he fed it with £60 of food every day.

... while simultaneously he pondered how this could happen.

... in addition to this he had no dinner that night.

... because he squished lots of food into it and it exploded.

... in addition to this he had hot yoghurts.

Monday 16 April 2012

Anne Frank

Use this website to explore the Anne Frank house. Think carefully about how she might have felt during her time here. Who were the other people involved in trying to keep them safe?

Sunday 1 April 2012

Home work for blog by Victoria


Rabbits are very curious critters and love to be part of the family.

However they do take a lot of caring for. As well as all of the things you have to buy.

(E.G cosy hutch, large pen to run around in and lots more.)

Make sure it will be worth the time and expenses because rabbits can be with you for 5-10 years.

Some small rabbits like the Dwarf are the more vicious. Whereas the large ones like The Flemish giant are more docile.

But the only problem is they are absolutely huge and can grow up to be bigger than the size of an average cat.

Moreover a certain breed of rabbit, The Angora, takes a lot of caring for as they have tons of fur that

needs to be brushed regularly otherwise it will become matted and hard. Did you know the angora's used to be bred for their fur?

Furthermore most rabbits were bred for meat witch I personally don't think is very fair do you?